Work Harder or Smarter?
Hard work has not had a good press lately.
“Work smarter, not harder”
I agree that working dumber wouldn’t be a good strategy to achieve anything in life.
But why dismiss hard work?
Can’t we do both: harder and smarter?
Combining intensity and strategy seems like a good plan to me.
And it doesn’t mean working all the time or burning out. That’s when the smarter comes.
To me working smarter, means working hard:
- at the right things (thus you need a vision, a “why”)
- at the right moment (to use your energy mindfully)
- with the right people (or alone)
- with the right tools (that integrate smoothly in your workflow)
But you can’t reach your dreams if you decide from the start that you won’t work hard.
It’s a mistake I’ve done, trying to be too smart.
You become smart AFTER doing the work. Not before.
My high school teacher told me that when I was 17. It took me 30 years to understand (hopefully).
You have to wait that long.
Start today.
You’ll figure out things on the go.